Welcome to The-Wonder-Years.com!
This is an unofficial Website of the television series "The Wonder Years". Here you can find a lot of interesting stuff relating to the series. Leave us an entry in our guestbook, if you have any suggestions or questions. Have fun!
To the USA, the 60s brought Vietnam, lots of good music and, of course, dense wads of smoke across the whole country, caused by mind-expanding substances. But all these things don't mean much to Kevin Arnold. Kevin is the leading man of the evergreen-series „The Wonder Years“ and has by far more important problems to get along with. Besides his troubles with friends, foes and teachers in school, he has to master all highs and lows of a relationship with his first, big love. Last but not least there is Kevin's family – and on top his older, mean brother making Kevin's life harder than it already is whenever it's possible.
With an admirable easiness, „The Wonder Years“ is able to describe the life and growing-up of a teenager in the USA during the 60s and deals basically with the small stories apart from war and students'-riots. And it's exactly that which puts the charm into this series: The life of a completely normal family and its members with all the highs and lows during a time where not only the USA were experiencing one of the most important eras in the country's history. All people who hope for critical views on the Vietnam War or the American accomplishment of the past might be disappointed: On „The Wonder Years“ these topics appear rather marginally. But this definitely has not to be seen negatively, as the series didn't set itself the target to give private lessons in history, but to entertain on a good level without having to use absurd „sitcom-gags“.
„The Wonder Years“ won the Emmy back in 1988 as well as the Grammy as the best TV-comedy. In the ranking of the People's Award, an audience award, the series ended up on the second position. Furthermore, „The Wonder Years“ had been awarded with the Golden Globe for the best comedy.
„The Wonder Years“ abroad
Not only in the USA the series was broadcasted successfully. Lots of countries in this world appreciated or even still appreciate „The Wonder Years“. However, the series of course has it's own name in every country. Here are some of them:
- Germany: Wunderbare Jahre
- Spain: Los años maravillosos
- France: Les Années coup de cœur
- Poland: Cudowne lata
- Portugal: Anos incríveis
- Denmark: Mine glade 60'ere
- Sweden: En härlig tid
